27 May What Is Dysport? | Magnolia Dental | Tulsa, OK
I don’t want wrinkles. If you are reading this article, you probably don’t want them either. More and more people are finding eyebrow and frown lines and want to know what they can do about it. Thank goodness there is a solution with Dysport. What is Dysport? I’m glad you asked.
What Is Dysport? 
Dysport is a wrinkle treatment that uses a special botulinum toxin to prevent wrinkles from forming.
As someone ages, the body cannot produce tissue at the same rate as when you were younger, so collagen levels decline at a rapid rate. This process creates folds in the skin that are permanent wrinkles.
Wrinkles are very natural, and can be formed very early on in someones life because of a lot of different reasons. One of these reasons is caused by long periods of exposure to ultraviolet rays. This can cause deep wrinkles between eyebrows, in the forehead, and around the eyes that makes a sad or even angry expression, even if you aren’t feeling that emotion at the time.
Dysport Vs. Botox
While you might be tempted to go with the standard and more popular option of botox to solve these problems, Dysport actually has less toxic proteins surrounding active molecules that give you more accurate and detailed results that you are hoping for. This also means that Dysport delivers the finished product to your face well before Botox, and can make the transitions between the treated portions and untreated portions of your face have a more natural blend in appearance. This product is also injected much deeper than Botox, which lets the molecules reach even further. Comparatively, Dysport will give you a much longer lasting result.
The Procedure
There isn’t anything complicated about the way a Dysport injection is administered. After you have a consultation with your doctor to see if you would be suitable for this kind of procedure, the appointment can be scheduled right away.
The area that has been chosen will get cleaned very thoroughly to get rid of any oils or make-up before the injection targets are indicated. The entire process will take around 10 – 15 minutes.
There is no special regiment after the appointment, so you can continue regular activities immediately following the procedure. You will begin to notice the effects of the injection between one and seven days later.
After about four to six months, you are able to schedule the same appointment to get the same injections to experience the benefits of the treatment on a regular basis.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
This product really works. A lot of different companies and products promise that you will get amazing results, but that only happens for a couple of scenarios. This is not the case when you use Dysport. With this product, you are basically guaranteed to get actual results that you can see every time. You don’t have to be left in the dark wondering if you are going to be stuck with the same pesky wrinkles forever. Dysport is the only solution you will ever need.
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